
Tag Archives: bikeshare

August 1, 2018

e-Scooters have arrived-don’t panic.

New ways of getting around our communities keep popping up: Lyft now claims to be available for ridehailing statewide, bikeshare systems are active in half a dozen cities (and under consideration in others), and now: Electric scooter sharing has arrived…
February 21, 2018

In pursuit of seamless regional transit

With metro Detroit's Regional Transit Authority once more debating whether to pursue funding at the ballot in 2018, some old questions have been revived: won't it just be confusing to riders to have new rapid transit lines operating under a…
April 6, 2017

Automated driving round-up

I've had a firehose-drinking few weeks of thinking about how connected and automated driving could affect our communities. "Could" remains the operative word, at least for self-driving cars, since the buzz still outweighs the reality by a significant factor. "Gartner's…
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