Our pre-development assistance in Hudsonville tackled site prep and marketing materials for priority sites in the city’s Village Green. Hudsonvillle’s award-winning Imagine Hudsonville 2030 master plan laid out the vision for this area as a new traditional downtown for the community, and our work builds on the city’s early successes with Terra Square, the Hudson Center building, and the Harvey Street “woonerf” or shared street.
View the redevelopment concepts for Hudsonville’s Village Green
We engaged Grand Rapids’ GMB Architecture & Engineering to prepare conceptual renderings for the Village Green itself and the sites surrounding it. With this area so dramatically re-envisioned in the master plan, these concepts will help the city communicate their goals and expectations to developers as they and the existing property owners move forward.
We next contracted with Lakeshore Environmental to complete environmental assessments for a former auto repair shop that the Hudsonville DDA has purchased at the corner of Harvey Street and Plaza Drive. Redevelopment of this site will connect the Village Green to the developments already in place along Harvey, continuing Hudsonville’s momentum.