The City of Allegan owns a lot at the corner of Second Street and Brady Street which faces the Kalamazoo River. This site offers a prime opportunity for new infill development in their downtown historic district. The League utilized funds from the RRC Predevelopment Assistance program to engage a multi-talented team from East Arbor Architecture and Land Use USA, under the leadership of Ann Arbor-based Seamless Collaborative, to provide the City of Allegan with expert advice on how to appropriately value this asset and market it for new investment.
The consultant team worked with the League to furnish market study analyses, conceptual urban design, and community workshops to complement existing and future local master planning, zoning, and environmental remediation. The process resulted in a developer marketing package, schematic design documents, and estimated construction costs for two- or three-story multi-unit housing on the riverfront, with potential for first floor retail or a restaurant space.
Click HERE for the Allegan RFQ document.
Media Coverage
Brady Street Lot Plan Now in Works – Allegan Co. News, March 14, 2019
New Mixed-Use Building could Come to Downtown Allegan Riverfront – WWMT, Feb. 28, 2019
Multi-Story Boutique Hotel, Shops Possible for Vacant Allegan Riverfront Lot – Allegan Co. News, Feb. 28, 2019
Allegan Council Debates Development of Brady Street Riverfront Lot – Allegan Co. News, Aug. 29, 2018