
Category Archives: Economic Development

January 17, 2020

Prospecting in the Opportunity Zone gold rush

(This piece originally appeared in the Jan/Feb 2020 issue of The Review magazine.) Created by the federal Tax Cut and Jobs Act at the end of 2017, Opportunity Zones have all the features of a gold rush: things are moving…
August 27, 2019

How Detroit Built a Better Preservation Playbook

Detroit is midstride in its great comeback, emerging like a phoenix in full burn. In a city which has suffered so much loss, not only are community leaders and private investors acting to salvage what remains, but they are making…
February 28, 2019

Modular Housing – Really?!

League staff have recently helped educate legislators on the need to reinstate Michigan's historic tax credit, which could have broad applications for multi-unit rental housing in historic buildings, upper story residential in downtown cores, adaptive reuse of underutilized buildings, and…
February 13, 2019

Why is it So Damn Expensive to Build?

Okay, you're right. It costs the earth to build new in Michigan or do a significant rehab. But don't immediately rush to load up the U-Haul and venture off to cheaper climes. All is not lost. The summers are too…
January 23, 2019

The High Costs of New Construction

We at the Civic Labs have been talking for some time now about how Michigan needs more housing. Or rather, that we have an abundance of single family housing choices across the broad geographies of our state, but lack the…
1675 Green Road,
Ann Arbor MI 48105
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