The Michigan Municipal League identified eight essential assets that make communities vibrant places in the 21st century: physical design & walkability, green initiatives, cultural economic development, entrepreneurship, diversity, messaging & technology, transit and education. Helping Michigan’s leaders grow these assets in their own communities serves as the focus of the League. Research continues to show that “placemaking” matters more than ever, as an increasingly mobile workforce seeks out neighborhoods before finding jobs and opening up businesses.

Our purpose is to help local officials identify, develop, and implement strategies that will grow and strengthen Michigan’s communities in the coming decades. You will find a lot to get you started right on this website, including comprehensive resources, how-to solutions, transformative projects, multimedia, and the latest breaking news.

Building 21st century communities

Experts from around the world – in academic, business and public sectors alike – agree that investing in communities is a critical element to long-term economic development in the 21st century.  Michigan’s future depends on its ability to attract and retain knowledge-based workers.  Central to attracting this priceless commodity is place. Research proves that successful 21st century communities effectively leverage the League’s eight assets, creating Better Communities Better Michigan.

The League’s Eight Assets

Through our Public Policy forums, research, and education, the League identified the eight assets that Michigan’s communities need to grow and strengthen, for our state to sustain and prosper in coming years. A grant from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) allowed the League to feature expert speakers with cutting-edge, creative solutions for creating better communities in Michigan. Research shows that these eight assets are essential to a community’s livelihood:

Technical Assistance

Technical services and assistance are available to the League’s member communities, including diagnostic community audits and prescriptive consulting. We will provide assistance in implementing your strategy, help identify grants and funding, and offer other useful information. The League also works to identify solutions and best practices in these eight asset areas, and offers samples, models, and tool kits aimed at inspiring local leaders to learn from the successes of other communities in Michigan and around the globe.

We intend this site, the League’s Twitter and the League’s Facebook page to inspire Michigan residents in all sectors of society to participate in our mission. We are listening to your feedback.   21st Century Communities brochureÂ