Placemaking MML
Placemaking MML
Placemaking MML

Strong Towns Event in Traverse City June 7

Strong Towns Event in Traverse City June 7

Posted on May 26, 2017 by Luke Forrest

Curbside-Chat-with-Chuck-Marohn-350x186This spring, in a proud moment for the whole state of Michigan, Traverse City won the March Madness-style tournament to be crowned the Strongest Town in North America. As part of their reward, Chuck Marohn of Strong Towns will be visiting TC June 7 to present them with an award and talk about what can make the city even stronger.

Marohn’s message is relevant to all League members, so we strongly encourage them to attend the event. See details here: Curbside Chat with Chuck Marohn.

Even if you can’t attend, be on the lookout for a Strong Towns-themed session at the League’s Convention in September. Several cities across Michigan have participated in one or more Strong Towns events, so we plan to showcase their experiences with a focus on what other communities can learn.