
Monthly Archives: June 2016

June 15, 2016

Planning for the Future in Calumet and Baraga

Calumet residents, supporters and business leaders participate in a successful visioning session in the village Monday. Two Upper Michigan communities are in the early planning stages of potential revitalization. The Villages of Calumet and Baraga are each having public meetings…
June 15, 2016

Detroit Shines at CNU 24

Gem Theater Detroit was at the heart of CNU 24 last week! For the past two years, the League partnered with Congress for the New Urbanism to bring their 24th international convention to our doorstep. League staffers held positions on…
June 7, 2016

Great People do Great Engagement

Last week something pretty cool happened: 200 people attended a community visioning workshop in Vassar, MI. The city has a population of about 2,600, so a 7% turnout is a success worth celebrating. This visioning event was pretty unlike most…
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