
Monthly Archives: August 2015

August 28, 2015

“The Dow of Cities” shows bull market for downtowns

The latest new voice suggesting city centers are the place to be: Fitch Ratings. In what Joe Cortright calls "maybe the most under-reported story of the year" for urbanists, the investment rating agency shows housing demand shifting towards urban centers…
August 21, 2015

Benton Harbor Park Plans Begin Popping to Life

This week, Benton Harbor residents were treated to a second round of conceptual drawings showing what their beloved Dwight Pete Mitchell City Center Park may look like in the near future. Michigan State University professors Warren Rauhe and Wayne Beyea…
August 17, 2015

Bringing Wow to your Waterfront

Biking along the Lake Michigan shore in Grand Haven People of all ages are attracted to waterfronts. From lakeside cafes to waterfront festivals to leisurely walks and bike rides along the shore, the activities and amenities that draw in residents…
August 5, 2015

New League Service Brings POPs of Activity Across Michigan

We're really excited to announce PlacePOP, our new placemaking & engagement consulting service. PlacePOP is a low-cost, high-impact approach to inclusive planning that communities can use to test ideas, engage residents, and strengthen support for place-based projects. PlacePOP in action…
1675 Green Road,
Ann Arbor MI 48105
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208 N. Capitol Ave.,
1st Floor Lansing, MI 48933
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