
New Video Illustrates Partnership for Place

Posted on April 3, 2014 by Colleen Layton

We know that thriving communities are key to Michigan’s long-term success and sustainability! If we are going to compete globally in the 21st century, then we have to create communities that can attract and retain talent and offer the amenities that people of all ages are seeking. As changing demographics have begun to reshape how we build places for the future, old ways of meeting these challenges have become outdated. Oftentimes, bad policy gets in the way of creating great places. The League has put forth a proactive policy agenda called Partnership for Place that proposes a commitment of action in partnership between the State and its municipalities. Our goal is that these policies will facilitate Michigan’s economic growth and allow for the development of places to provide key services and amenities that contribute to a high quality of life. Check out our new video that illustrates some of Michigan’s challenges and what we need to do to move forward!

Partnership for Place from Michigan Municipal League on Vimeo.

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