Placemaking MML
Placemaking MML
Placemaking MML

Better Communities. Better Michigan. The Podcast!

Better Communities. Better Michigan. The Podcast!

Posted on February 6, 2014 by Summer Minnick

Better Communities. Better Michigan. The Podcast!Welcome to Better Communities Better Michigan The Podcast!

The Michigan Municipal League is the one clear voice for Michigan communities, working in Lansing and throughout the state for the unique and vibrant places where people want to live. From state policy to cutting edge local initiatives, we’ll discuss issues that impact us all, and identify key strategies to promote highly adaptable, economically competitive communities that are ready to face the challenges of the 21st century and beyond.

Demographic Trends Provide Key Insights for Future City Designs

Nationally renowned demographer Laurie Volk, a Principal at Zimmerman Volk Associates, talks to us about her latest research and the preferences of the largest generations – millenials and boomers. We also get the view of what these trends mean for cities when working with the Michigan State Housing Development Authority. Jim Tischler, Director of Community Development, discusses how they use demographics in programming.

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