
Monthly Archives: December 2013

December 20, 2013

Bundle up, Placemaking is a 4 season sport!

It has been an inspiring few weeks, launching outstanding PlacePlans projects in communities across Michigan. I was fortunate to be in downtown Holland during a beautiful snow storm--yes, you read correctly, it was WONDERFUL to be out walking in the…
December 17, 2013

Better Communities. Better Michigan. The Podcast!

Welcome to Better Communities Better Michigan - the Podcast! The Michigan Municipal League is the one clear voice for Michigan communities, working in Lansing and throughout the state for the unique and vibrant places where people want to live. From…
December 9, 2013

Cadillac PlacePlans

Cadillac is dreaming big and has so many irons in the fire it is hard to keep track. PlacePlans will help connect their place-based assets and generate even more momentum. A critical development is the Baker College student apartments that…
December 6, 2013

Better Communities. Better Michigan. The Podcast!

Welcome to Better Communities Better Michigan - the Podcast! The Michigan Municipal League is the one clear voice for Michigan communities, working in Lansing and throughout the state for the unique and vibrant places where people want to live. From…
1675 Green Road,
Ann Arbor MI 48105
Capitol Office
208 N. Capitol Ave.,
1st Floor Lansing, MI 48933
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