
Monthly Archives: November 2013

November 11, 2013

Cities learning to support after-school systems

One of the League's eight critical assets to building vibrant communities is education. In Michigan, the link between communities and school districts can be clouded as they are considered separate entities, where school districts are run by their own boards.…
November 8, 2013

Better Communities. Better Michigan. The Podcast!

Welcome to Better Communities Better Michigan - the Podcast! The Michigan Municipal League is the one clear voice for Michigan communities, working in Lansing and throughout the state for the unique and vibrant places where people want to live. From…
November 7, 2013

A Few of My Favorite (Placemaking) Things

As I travel around to different cities and places, my camera is always ready to capture that "aha" moment.  You probably have things in your own back yard, but don't see them because you walk by them every day. But…
November 1, 2013

Creating not so mean streets

It's been a while since I last wrote and to be quite honest there has been a lot I've seen and done since then. For instance, I was flattered to be a part of an international group of thought leaders…
1675 Green Road,
Ann Arbor MI 48105
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208 N. Capitol Ave.,
1st Floor Lansing, MI 48933
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