News Advisory
Matt Bach
Director of Communications
Michigan Municipal League
(734) 669-6317; C: (810) 874-1073
[email protected];
MML Hosts Release of Citizens Research Council Transit Report
LANSING, Mich. ― The Michigan Municipal League (MML) will host a news conference Wednesday, March 20 to unveil a new Citizens Research Council (CRC) report showing how public transit is vital as businesses are looking at quality transit when making decisions on locations to locate or expand investments and recommendations on how to move Michigan forward in transit.
WHEN: | 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 20, 2019 (part of the League’s annual Capitol Conference) |
WHERE: | Expo Hall, Lansing Center, 333 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing 48933 |
WHO: | Dan Gilmartin: MML Executive Director and CEO Melanie Piana: MML Board President Eric Lupher: Citizens Research Council of Michigan President |
WHAT: | Unveil a report by the Citizens Research Council showing public transit is becoming an increasingly important public utility and a vital part of the public and private transportation networks, not a social welfare program. |
WHY: | Michigan continues to lag in public and financial support for transit, an increasingly important economic development issue. Amazon, in passing over Michigan for its HQ2, publicly expressed the same concern many others have with locating in our state: Michigan lacks the ability to attract talent and deliver workers to jobs due to a lack of mass transit. |
For additional information, contact the League’s Matt Bach, director of communications, at (810) 874-1073 (cell); (734) 669-6317 (office) and [email protected].
About the League: Michigan Municipal League is dedicated to making Michigan’s communities better by thoughtfully innovating programs, energetically connecting ideas and people, actively serving members with resources and services, and passionately inspiring positive change for Michigan’s greatest centers of potential: its communities. The League advocates on behalf of its member communities in Lansing, Washington, D.C., and the courts; provides educational opportunities for elected and appointed municipal officials; and assists municipal leaders in administering services to their communities through League programs and services. Learn more at