
April 29, 2021

Short-Term Rental Legislation Reintroduced – Action Needed

House Bill 4722 was introduced this week seeking to eliminate a municipality's ability to regulate short-term vacation rentals. Unfortunately, this bill mirrors several past pieces of legislation and does not include any compromises we've worked on the past several years.…
April 21, 2021

US Treasury Releases ARPA Pre-Award Requirements

Late last week, the US Treasury Department released the pre-award requirements that local governments will need to comply with in order to receive their allocated payments from Treasury for the Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund in a timely…
April 8, 2021

Michigan Municipal League Members and Supporters Honored

Several Michigan Municipal League members and supporters we're honored with various awards and recognitions recently. The League normally has an Awards Gala during our Capital Conference (CapCon) to recognize these honorees, but due to COVID-19 the last two in-person gala's…
1675 Green Road,
Ann Arbor MI 48105
Capitol Office
208 N. Capitol Ave.,
1st Floor Lansing, MI 48933
©2022 Michigan Municipal League LLC. All rights reserved