
Category Archives: Municipal Finance

November 19, 2012

Personal Property Tax Details Emerge

Last week the League met with the Lieutenant Governor to discuss the latest details on personal property tax. In short the plan includes the following: - Local units of government can levy an essential services assessment (ESA) on industrial real property…
November 15, 2012

Past Due Amounts to be Required on Annual Tax Bills

The House Tax Policy Committee took testimony on an S-1 substitute for SB 972 (Sen. Hildenbrand, R-Lowell). This bill would require local municipalities to include past due amounts on all tax bills.  Specifically, it will require that a taxpayer be…
October 18, 2012

Competitive grant assistance applications now available

Applications for the competitive grant assistance program (formerly EVIP grants) are now available through the Department of Treasury's website:,4679,7-121-1751_2197_58826_62422---,00.html The application period is from October 1, 2012 through December 3, 2012. Local units who are consolidating units or collaborating…
October 17, 2012

Personal property tax a priority in lame duck?

This week Lansing's local political publication, MIRS, indicated the Speaker has personal property tax form as a top issue to handle in the lame duck session being held the end of November/beginning of December for 2-3 weeks. The League, along…
September 27, 2012

Pension bonding bill on its way to the Governor

This afternoon the House passed SB 1129, a bill allowing local units of government to bond for costs associated with switching from defined benefit (DB) to defined contribution (DC). In its current version the bill also allows for bonding for…
September 25, 2012

Pension flexibilty package passes House committee

This afternoon the House Appropriations Committee reported two pension flexibility bills the League has been pushing: HB 5725 which amends the MERS statute to remove barriers to switching from defined benefit (DB) to defined contribution (DC) and SB 1129 which…
September 24, 2012


Please remember that all municipalities need to provide their Accountability and Transparency EVIP information to the State Department of Treasury by October 1st (Monday).  THIS INCLUDES MUNICIPALITIES THAT PROVIDED THIS INFORMATION LAST YEAR.Municipalites that do not provide this information will…
September 21, 2012

New PA 152 Hard Cap Amounts Released by Treasury

The Michigan Department of Treasury released the new PA 152 (Public Employer Contributions to Medical Benefit Plans) hard cap amounts  on September 18th, 2012. These caps will apply to medical benefit plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2013.  This…
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