
Category Archives: Legislative Link Articles

May 4, 2012

House passes medical marijuana package

Yesterday the House passed HBs 4834, 4851, 4853 and 4856, bills that tighten up some provisions in the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act (MMMA). HB 4834 would require photos on a patient's registration card. This was a comment change requested by…
May 4, 2012

Cell phone tower pre-emption passes House

Yesterday afternoon the House passed SB 1064, a bill pre-empting local cell tower colocation approval by a vote of 104-5. The bill provides that a colocation does not need special land use approval if it the existing structure is in…
May 1, 2012

EVIP Current Year Changes Now Law

HB 5189, which extended the deadline for the current year EVIP 3rd category and provided a second path to obtaining those funds for locals, was signed into law this morning. So, those changes are now official as Public Act 107…
April 30, 2012

Transportation Conference Committee set to meet

The House and Senate have named their conferees and the first meeting of the committee tasked with hammering out a new transportation authorization before the current extension expires will meet on May 8.  The most recent extension ends June 30th. That said,…
April 26, 2012

Senate Passes EVIP/Statutory Revenue Sharing Budget Bill

Today, the Senate passed SB 954, which makes appropriations for EVIP/Statutory Revenue Sharing. The bill appropriates the same amount that the Governor proposed $210 million. It reduced the years for budget projects as part of the dashboard (category 1) to…
April 26, 2012

House holds Municipal Loan Act hearing

This morning the House Local Government committee held testimony on House Bills 5566-5570, bills that amend the Emergency Municipal Loan Act and several other statutes to relax the triggers. It would now allow communities with special assessments whose developers have…
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