
Category Archives: Legislative Link Articles

July 17, 2012

League Submits Comments on the Complete Streets Draft Policy

The Michigan Municipal League has submitted a comment letter to the State Transportation Commission (STC) regarding the Draft Complete Streets Policy. The League received member feedback which was used to provide suggestions to the STC on ways to strengthen the Complete Streets…
July 16, 2012

November ballot could be crowded

If you were out enjoying the weather over the last couple of months, chances are you were met by someone carrying any number of clipboards tryng to get you to sign a petition to place a issue on the November…
July 16, 2012

MAP-21 resources available

For those interested in information, reports, and analysis of the new transportation authorization act known as "MAP-21" (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century), you are encouraged to visit Transportation Issues Daily, "MAP-21 Learning Center".  The site contains links to congressional summaries and…
July 16, 2012

“Fiscal Cliff” on the horizon

With the presidential election heating up, the debate over how to deal with federal deficit is coming into sharper focus. Recall that as part of the deficit deal of last year, automatic spending cuts and tax hikes will take effect if…
July 10, 2012

EVIP Grant Deadline Extended to July 27

From the Michigan Department of Treasury: The Michigan Department of Treasury is reopening the second round of the Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP) grant award process for the 2012 fiscal year, after Governor Snyder’s signing of a supplemental appropriation which…
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Ann Arbor MI 48105
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