The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Office of Rail is now soliciting competitive applications from local road agencies who wish to partner with railroads to improve the condition of railroad crossing surfaces within their communities.
There is no cost or obligation for local road agencies to participate in this program. If selected, projects are covered by 60% state funding with a 40% railroad match. This program is specifically for the repair or reconstruction of railroad crossing surfaces between the rails and 1’ beyond the tie structure, as performed by the railroad company. By law, roadway approach repairs outside of the crossing surface area remain the responsibility of the road agency and the establishing legislation specifically excludes roadway approach work from participation in crossing surface project awards.
Guidance for the 2022 Program follows below:
- Applications may only be submitted by local road authorities, in cooperation with a participating railroad.
- Applications must include detailed railroad estimates, proof of 40% railroad match, updated traffic counts, and road agency approval of detour routes.
- Eligible project costs include materials, labor and equipment for railroad work items: engineering costs and roadway approach work are not eligible.
- Applications will be accepted if received via e-mail or postmarked by September 30, 2021.
- Project selection will be in compliance with the criteria established by law.
- Applications will be evaluated, and projects should be selected/announced by late November.
It is incumbent upon railroads and road agencies to work together to assure that applications are complete and accurate. While roadway approach work is not eligible for this funding, road agencies are encouraged to seek opportunities to combine adjacent roadway surface improvement projects with any pending railroad crossing surface applications. There are significant construction benefits to all parties if a proposed surface project includes coordinated adjacent road work. These projects will receive priority consideration in the 2022 Program.
For more information on the program and the application please click here.
John LaMacchia is the Assistant Director of State and Federal Affairs for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, energy and environment issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.