
House & Senate Committees Announced

Posted on January 17, 2019 by chackbarth

Following the Senate’s release of their committee membership last week, the House released their committees late yesterday, signaling the real beginning for legislative activity in this new term.  Now that committees in both chambers have been finalized, consideration of new bills will likely commence in the coming weeks.

The only surprise from the newly released House list, was the addition of a special select committee on Reducing Car Insurance Rates.  The House policy committees and appropriations subcommittees released yesterday are:

Agriculture — Alexander (Chair), Meerman (Vice Chair), LaFave, Eisen, Mueller, Wendzel, Elder (Minority Vice Chair), Coleman, Garza, C. Johnson, Witwer.

Appropriations — Hernandez (C), Miller (VC), Inman, Albert, Allor, Brann, VanSingel, Whiteford, Yaroch, Bollin, Glenn, Green, Huizenga, Lightner, Maddock, Slagh, VanWoerkom, Hoadley (MVC), Love, Pagan, Hammoud, Peterson, Sabo, Anthony, Brixie, Cherry, Hood, Kennedy, Tate.

Commerce & Tourism — Marino (C), Wendzel (VC) Reilly, Meerman, Schroeder, Wakeman, Cambensy (MVC), Camilleri, Hope, Manoogian, Robinson.

Communications & Technology — Hoitenga (C), S. Johnson (VC), Wozniak, Coleman (MVC), Chirkun.

Education — Hornberger (C), Paquette (VC), Crawford, Vaupel, Reilly, Hall, Markkanen, O’Malley, Wakeman, Camilleri (MVC), Sowerby, B. Carter, T. Carter, Koleszar, Stone.

Elections & Ethics — Calley (C), Sheppard (VC), Hornberger, Marino, Paquette, Guerra (MVC), Hope.

Energy — Bellino (C), Wendzel (VC) Alexander, Frederick, Lower, Filler, Markkanen, Mueller, O’Malley, Schroeder, Lasinski (MVC), Sneller, T. Carter, Haadsma, Kuppa, Manoogian, Shannon.

Families, Children & Seniors — Crawford (C), Rendon (VC), Hoitenga, Meerman, Wozniak, Garrett (MVC), Liberati, B. Carter, C. Johnson

Financial Services — Farrington (C), Schroeder (VC), Sheppard, Bellino, Berman, Wakeman, Gay-Dagnogo (MVC), Clemente, Stone, Whitsett.

Government Operations — Sheppard (C), Cole (VC), Lilly, Greig (VC), Rabhi,

Health Policy — Vaupel (C), Frederick (VC), Alexander, Calley, Hornberger, Lower, Whiteford, Afendoulis, Filler, Mueller, Wozniak, Liberati (MVC), Garrett, Clemente, Ellison, Koleszar, Pohutsky, Stone, Witwer.

Insurance — Rendon (C), Markkenan (VC), Webber, Vaupel, Bellino, Frederick, Hoitenga, LaFave, Berman, Paquette, Wittenberg (MVC), Gay-Dagnogo, Lasinski, Sneller, Bolden, B. Carter, Coleman.

Judiciary — Filler (C), LaFave (VC), Farrington, Howell, S. Johnson, Rendon, Berman, Wozniak, LaGrand (MVC), Guerra, Elder, Yancey, Bolden.

Local Government & Local Municipal Finance — Lower (C), Marino (VC), Crawford, Calley, Howell, Eisen, Meerman, Paquette, Ellison (MVC), Sowerby, Garza, Hope, Kuppa.

Military, Veterans & Homeland Security — LaFave (C), Mueller (VC), Marino, Afendoulis, Markkanen, Jones (MVC), Chirkun, T. Carter, Manoogian.

Natural Resources & Outdoor Recreation — Howell (C), Wakeman (VC), Calley, Reilly, Rendon, Eisen, Sowerby (MVC), Cambensy, Pohutsky.

Oversight — Hall (C), Reilly (VC), Webber, S. Johnson, LaFave, Schroeder, C. Johnson (MVC), Camilleri, LaGrand.

Regulatory Reform — Webber (C), Berman (VC), Crawford, Farrington, Frederick, Hoitenga, Filler, Hall, Wendzel, Chirkun (MVC), Liberati, Cambensy, Jones, Garza, Robinson.

Selected Committee On Reducing Car Insurance Rates — Wentworth (C), Rendon (VC), Frederick, LaFave, Afendoulis, Lasinski (MVC), Sabo, Bolden, Whitsett.

Tax Policy — Afendoulis (C), Lower (VC), Vaupel, Webber, Farrington, S. Johnson, Hall, O’Malley, Schroeder, Yancy (MVC), Wittenberg, Ellison, Lasinski, Robinson, Whitsett.

Transportation & Infrastructure — O’Malley (C), Eisen (VC), Cole, Sheppard, Alexander, Bellino, Howell, Afendoulis, Sneller (MVC), Clemente, Yancey, Haadsma, Shannon.

Ways & Means — Iden (C), Lilly (VC), Leutheuser, Griffin, Hauck, Kahle, Wentworth, Warren (MVC), Byrd, Neeley, Hertel.

Appropriations Subcommittees
Agriculture & Rural Development — VanWoerkom (C), Bollin (VC), Albert, Green, Kennedy (MVC), Sabo, Brixie.

Corrections — Albert (C), Slagh (VC), VanSingel, Lightner, Maddock, Pagan (MVC), Sabo, Anthony, Kennedy.

General Government — Huizenga (C), Lightner (VC), Allor, Brann, Bollin, VanWoerkom, Sabo (MVC), Hoadley, Tate.

Health & Human Services — Whiteford (C), Green (MVC), Inman, Allor, Yaroch, Glenn, Huizenga, VanWoerkom, Hammoud (MVC), Hoadley, Love, Brixie, Cherry.

Higher Education & Community Colleges — VanSingel (C), Bollin (VC), Huizenga, Green, Slagh, Anthony (MVC), Hoadley.

Joint Capitol Outlay — Inman (C), Slagh (VC), Hernandez, Maddock, Whiteford, Love (MVC), Cherry.

Judiciary — Brann (C), Lightner (VC), Yaroch, Maddock, Brixie (MVC), Pagan, Hammoud.

Licensing & Regulatory Affairs/Insurance & Financial Services — Yaroch (C), Glenn (MVC), VanSingel, Lightner, Peterson (MVC), Hammoud, Anthony.

Military & Veterans Affairs/State Police — Inman (C), VanWoekrom (VC), Albert, Brann, Tate (MVC), Peterson, Hood.

Natural Resources/Environmental Quality — Allor (C), Glenn (VC), VanSingel, Glenn, Slagh, Cherry (MVC), Hood.

School Aid/Department of Education — Miller (C), Hornberger (VC), Inman, Albert, Allor, Huizenga, Green, Pagan (MVC), Hood, Kennedy, Tate.

Transportation — Maddock (C), Yaroch (VC), Miller, Brann, Bollin, Peterson (MVC), Love.

The previously announced Senate committees can be found here:

Advice and Consent: Senators Lucido (C), LaSata (VC), Nesbitt, McBroom, Hertel

Agriculture: Senators Daley (C), Victory (VC), Lauwers, Ananich, (MVC), Polehanki

Appropriations: Senators Stamas (C), Bumstead (VC), Barrett, Bizon, LaSata, MacDonald, MacGregor, Nesbitt, Outman, Runestad, Schmidt, Victory, Hertel (MVC), Bayer, Hollier, Irwin, McCann, Santana

Economic and Small Business Development: Senators Horn (C), VanderWall (VC), MacGregor, Theis, Lauwers, Schmidt, McMorrow, (MVC), Geiss, Moss

Education and Career Readiness: Senators Theis (C), Horn (VC), Bumstead, Runestad, Daley, Polehanki, (MVC), Geiss

Elections: Senators Johnson (C), McBroom (VC), Lucido, VanderWall, Wojno

Energy and Technology: Senators Lauwers (C), Horn (VC), LaSata, Nesbitt, Barrett, Bumstead, Outman, McCann, (MVC), Brinks, McMorrow

Environmental Quality: Senators Outman (C), Daley (VC), Johnson, VanderWall, McBroom, Bayer, (MVC), Brinks

Families, Seniors, and Veterans: Senators Bizon (C), Barrett (VC), Runestad, Johnson, Zorn, Bullock, (MVC), Alexander

Finance: Senators Runestad (C), Nesbitt (VC), Daley, Bumstead, VanderWall, Chang, (MVC), Alexander

Government Operations: Senators Shirkey (C), Lauwers, Nesbitt, Ananich, (MVC), Chang

Health Policy and Human Services: Senators VanderWall (C), Bizon (VC), Johnson, LaSata, MacDonald, Theis, Brinks, (MVC), Hertel, Santana, Wojno

Insurance and Banking: Senators Theis (C), Lauwers (VC), LaSata, Nesbitt, Daley, Barrett, Horn, Geiss, (MVC), Bullock, McMorrow

Judiciary and Public Safety: Senators Lucido (C), VanderWall (VC), Barrett, Johnson, Runestad, Chang, (MVC), Irwin

Local Government: Senators Zorn (C), Johnson (VC), Daley, Alexander, (MVC), Moss

Natural Resources: Senators McBroom (C), Bumstead (VC), Outman, Schmidt, McCann

Oversight: Senators McBroom (C), Lucido (VC), Theis, MacDonald, Irwin

Regulatory Reform: Senators Nesbitt (C), Theis (VC), Johnson, Lauwers, VanderWall, Zorn, Moss, (MVC), Polehanki, Wojno

Transportation and Infrastructure: Senators Barrett (C), LaSata (VC), McBroom, Victory, Outman, Lauwers, Geiss, (MVC), Bullock, Hollier

Appropriations Subcommittees:

Agriculture and Rural Development
Senators Victory (C), Daley (VC), McCann

Capital Outlay
Senators Horn (C), Outman (VC), Zorn, Runestad, Bizon, Schmidt, Santana (MVC), Hertel, McCann

Community Health/Human Services
Senators MacGregor (C), Bizon (VC), Schmidt, LaSata, MacDonald, Barrett, Hertel (MVC), Irwin, Santana

General Government
Senators Stamas (C), Victory (VC), Bumstead, Irwin

Judiciary and Public Safety
Senators Barrett (C), Runestad (VC), Hollier

K-12 and Michigan Department of Education
Senators Schmidt (C), Outman (VC), Bumstead, Daley, Bayer

Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)
Senators Nesbitt (C), MacDonald (VC), Santana

Natural Resources and Environmental Quality
Senators Bumstead (C), Outman (VC), Victory, McCann (MVC), Bayer

Talent and Economic Development/MEDC
Senators Horn (C), Schmidt (VC), Hollier

Senators Schmidt (C), Victory (VC), MacGregor, MacDonald, Zorn, Hollier (MVC), Bayer

Universities and Community Colleges
Senators LaSata (C), Horn (VC), Bizon, MacDonald, Zorn, Irwin (MVC), Hertel

The League tracks legislation through most of these committees and works closely with the Appropriations, Commerce/Economic Development, Local Government, Tax Policy/Finance, and Transportation committees.  League members are encouraged to reach out to their State Representatives and Senators on these important committees.

Chris Hackbarth is the League’s director of state & federal affairs. He can be reached at 517-908-0304 and [email protected].

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