
Legislation Allowing Angled Parking on State Trunklines Passes Committee

Posted on October 29, 2013 by John LaMacchia

Currently state statute prohibits angled parking on state trunklines in Michigan. As more and more communities look to reinvent their downtown’s there is a great need for flexibility to help create vibrant and livable spaces. Many of our cities and villages across Michigan have state trunklines that are a main street through their downtown. HB 5073 would allow a municipality to work with MDOT and receive authorization to have angled parking on a trunkline.

The need to change this statue was brought to us by the City of West Branch. This bill is being sponsored by Representative Pettalia in the House and Senator Casperson in the Senate. With support from the League and  MDOT, the bill was unanimously voted out of House Transportation Committee. We are appreciate of the efforts of these sponsors and look forward to working with them to continue moving this bill forward.

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation and infrastructure issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.

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