The legislature is one again considering cancer presumption legislation. After being vetoed by Governor Engler in 1998 cancer presumption has returned in some form each legislative session.
Yesterday afternoon the Senate Judiciary Committee passed Senate Bill 211, a bill that provides for a cancer presumption for firefighters. The League testified in opposition once again indicating that workers compensation premiums for communities with full-time firefighters would more than double under this legislation. We consider that a conservative estimate. In a time where communities’ budgets are still reeling from revenue sharing cuts and property tax declines, this is a cost our communities are unable to afford.
The League suggested more cost effective options such as having the state pay for this policy change or requiring firefighters to have disability riders would be a better approach.
The League was joined in opposing by a number of organizations including the Michigan Townships Association, the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, The Accident Fund, and the Insurance Institute of Michigan.
Last session the bill passed committee but was never passed by the Senate. Contact your Senators and ask them to vote no on cancer presumption!
Samantha Harkins is the Director of State Affairs for the League. She can be reached at 517-908-0306 and sharkins at