
League Supported Short-Term Rental Legislation has First Committee Hearing!

Posted on April 18, 2024 by Jennifer Rigterink

Yesterday, testimony was taken on House Bill 5438, the Short-Term Rental Regulation Act, in the House Local Government and Municipal Finance Committee.

The League testified in support of the legislation and turned in approximately 150 committee cards, echoing that support from locally elected officials and municipal staff in communities across the state.

Representatives Joey Andrews and Jenn Hill, the bill sponsor and a co-sponsor, did a phenomenal job explaining the need for local units of government to maintain the authority to reasonably regulate short-term rentals to the unique needs of their community while also laying out the public burden that comes along with being a destination place.

The Michigan Association of Realtors stated in testimony that they’re not opposed to the registration, regulation, or taxation of short-term rentals, but they opposed HB 5438.

The next committee hearing is anticipated for Wednesday, April 24. This hearing will allow committee members to ask questions and, for those who were unable to testify yesterday due to time restraints, to address the committee.

Another update will be provided when we have confirmation of the next hearing. In the meantime, let the House Local Government and Municipal Finance committee members know of your support and urge them to take up House Bill 5438 for a vote as soon as possible. The previous HB 5438 blog can be found here.


Jennifer Rigterink is the League’s assistant director of state and federal affairs handling economic development, land use, and municipal services issues. She can be reached at [email protected]

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