Today at noon on Live with the League, our Lansing team will break down the state budget recently approved in the Legislature.
Don’t forget to tune in to Live with the League today at noon because we will take a deep dive look at the 2023-24 fiscal year budget recently approved in the House and Senate.
The massive, $82 billion state budget deal passed in the Legislature June 28 is now awaiting the Governor’s signature. The record-setting budget includes a five percent on-going increase in revenue sharing payments for local governments and a two percent one-time increase dedicated to spending on public safety initiatives. The budget also includes a requirement that local government must obligate all their American Rescue Plan dollars by the end of this year – a full year before federal guidelines require. The budget is loaded with one-time investments and some surprises, and we will break it all down for you. For more details, read our blog about the budget.
We also will discuss bills that were recently approved related to housing development projects being eligible for brownfield tax increment financing, collective bargaining, elections, and solar PILT. Read our blog related to these items.
You won’t want to miss this conversation about the budget, revenue sharing, and other hot topics. Tune in at noon today using this registration link.