
Census Bureau Seeks Comments on How to Design the 2030 Census

Posted on November 2, 2022 by John LaMacchia

The importance of an accurate census is immense. The distribution of $1.5 trillion dollars in federal funds are determined by figures from the decennial census results, so it is important to achieve an accurate count to make sure local governments are getting a fair and proper allocation. Additionally, census results have extreme relevance to local communities. The data from the decennial census provides a snapshot of demographic information and trend data, which serves as the basis for important local government decision-making in matters such as redistricting, community planning, and the timing and placement of future infrastructure investments.

There is an open Federal Register Notice from the Census Bureau that local units of government can offer comments on how to design the 2030 census. Comments are due by November 15. Click here for more information on how to submit those comments.

Alternatively, the National League of Cities will be submitting comments and feedback can be provided to them in the form of a survey response. NLC will then use those comments to inform their comment letter to the Bureau. They also wrote a blog which outlines what the Bureau is looking for from commenters. At the bottom of the blog, you will find a link to their survey (also linked here) that you can fill out on how the Census 2030 could be reformed.

John LaMacchia is the League’s director of state & federal affairs. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.

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