It has come to the attention of MDOT that the e-mail address on the buyout form was incorrect, it is missing the hyphen. It was correct in the guideline documents.
The correct address is the [email protected] .
If you sent an application to the “[email protected]” without the hyphen, please forward the original e-mail to the correct address [email protected]. MDOT will use the time stamp on the original e-mail to put the requests in order.
As a reminder, if MDOT successfully received a request, the sender will receive the following reply:
“This is a confirmation that we have received your exchange request. The preliminary list of exchange awards will be posted by July 8, 2022.”
If the sender did not receive this confirmation reply, MDOT did not receive the request. As stated above, please forward the original e-mail that was sent to MDOT so they can see the time stamp of the first submission attempt.
If you have any questions, please either e-mail [email protected] or call 517-243-8589
John LaMacchia is the League’s director of state & federal affairs. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.