The Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) is welcoming a new cohort of leaders into the Asset Management (AM) Champion Program. This program will establish a network of talented individuals and organizations to help strengthen and “champion” best practice asset management across Michigan’s complex infrastructure environment.
- Build Awareness: Build AM Champions to foster a culture of asset management best practices across Michigan
- Develop Knowledge: Develop AM Champions who understand and promote the value of asset management aligned with the five topics in the MIC Asset Management Readiness Scale (AMRS) – gov/MIC – Readiness Assessment Scale Tab
- Establish Community: Establish a community of AM champions to seed peer relationships and build a network of asset management leaders across the state and across infrastructure
The AM Champion Program is a fast-paced and interactive training curriculum that combines asynchronous education, facilitated discussion, peer interactions, and industry learning into a professional certification from the MIC.
The program will run from April through June 2022 and will require approximately 25 hours to complete
Application deadline is March 31, 2022
- Asynchronous Modules: Nine lessons featuring asset management content and interactive activities. All material aligns with the 5 topic areas in the MIC
- Facilitated Discussion and Peer Interaction: Three 90-minute, in-depth thematic discussion sessions with peers and industry leaders
- Industry Learning: Access to a comprehensive library of webinars and presentations from the Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM) and newly developed case studies from Michigan Infrastructure owners
If you are a local, regional, or state government employee, public-sector asset owner, or leader from an industry organization, please fill in the application form –
Registration is limited to 75 participants. Consideration will be given to socio-economic and system variation, statewide geographic representation, and organizational diversity.
For more information on the MIC and becoming an AM Champion, visit
John LaMacchia is the Assistant Director of State and Federal Affairs for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, energy and environment issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.