Senate Bill 446 and House Bill 4722 are headed for floor votes this week in their respective chambers. SB 446 is on General Orders on the senate session agenda this morning, and it’s anticipated HB 4722 will be acted on before the end of the week.
The Michigan Municipal League needs your continued support in opposing these bills that strip away local government’s ability to regulate short-term vacation rental properties.
Please call your legislators today!! In your conversations, please tell them there’s no rush to solve this issue and that alternative, more reasonable legislation designed to address short-term rentals is forthcoming.
If they have any hesitation with the current legislation, they should be opposed and vote no! While we prefer you call them, you can also send them a letter/email that can be also be found on our Action Center here.
There are alternative approaches to regulating short-term vacation rentals that don’t completely strip municipalities of reasonable zoning regulations. There’s a difference between someone residing (living) in a residential dwelling and someone visiting (vacationing) in one.
In addition to calling your state Senator and Representative today, here are some other things you can do to help us in our ongoing opposition to these bills:
- Consider passing a resolution in opposition to SB 446 and HB 4722. To assist you we have sample resolutions you can work from on our new resource page under “resolutions” here.
- Write a personal letter of opposition to your local media. To assist you in writing and sending this letter, we’ve drafted a proposed letter to the editor through our Action Center here. Feel free to work from this sample letter and change it to reflect your voice.
Contact your state Senator and Representative today to tell them to oppose SB 446 and HB 4722.