
Farmers Markets Guidelines Explained

Posted on May 28, 2020 by Dene Westbrook

We know many of our member communities have seasonal farmers’ markets that are highly popular. Our friends at the Michigan Farmers Market Association (MIFMA) recently put out some guidelines for markets opening this summer in relation to COVID-19 requirements. We thought this  email text from MIFMA was good information worth sharing:

The Michigan Farmers Market Association (MIFMA) has published a set of COVID-19 Resources for farmers markets opening this season. Under her Executive Orders, Governor Whitmer has deemed farmers markets essential businesses under the agriculture sector (see MDARD FAQ). MIFMA encourages communities to open their farmers markets if they feel safe doing so, providing customers with local access to healthy food and hygiene items. 

In MIFMA’s resources, you will find Guidelines and Recommendations, Frequently Asked Questions and Responses, a P-EBT Fact Sheet and Signage, and more. These resources are being continually updated with information as the situation and guidance from the Governor’s Office change. 


If your local farmers market is opening this season, check the market’s listing on MIFMA’s Find a Farmers Market feature is up to date so that customers can easily find your information online.

Lastly, if you have a farmers market manager or staff working to open their market for the 2020 season, encourage them to register for MIFMA’s free COVID-19 Town Hall Webinar, where market managers currently operating markets will share best practices and MIFMA will take and answer questions about operations during COVID-19.


If you or your members need any further information about how to safely operate farmers markets, please connect with MIFMA. We can provide newsletter content, co-host webinars, and work with you to provide the resources your members need to make informed decisions. 

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