
Urgent Alert From National League of Cities: Contact These Congressional Leaders Today

Posted on March 21, 2020 by Dene Westbrook

(Read the letter the Big 7 organizations that represent communities nationwide sent Congress.)

An urgent alert from the National League of Cities. They’d like Michigan people to contact Senator Stabenow:

Take Action NOW on Senate Legislation | Help Direct Funding to the Local Level

We are calling on local leaders to TAKE ACTION NOW—IN THE NEXT COUPLE HOURS. Federal lawmakers heard from cities, towns and villages from around the country about the devastating effects the economic downturn will have as a result of the coronavirus. Today, Senate negotiators are considering including a State “stabilization” Fund. In this fund, its important Congress DIRECTS MONEY TO CITIES. We need direct federal funding to stabilize households, residents, and small businesses on the economic margins, and for local budget relief that is unlikely to be met by state funding in this extraordinary time. NLC estimates that nationally, cities will need at least $250 billion in emergency funding.

H.R. 6201 (the second stimulus bill) provides new paid sick and paid emergency leave to employees, a position NLC supports. However, while MOST employers will be made whole by tax credits, cities are carved out. Cities are not eligible to receive tax credits under bill sections 7001(e)(4) and 7003(e)(4). Not receiving the tax credits will add increasing economic pressure to cities which are already going to be facing a tough economic climate.

A final deal is just a few hours away. ACT NOW. Call your senators!

Take Action – click here!

Senate negotiators include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, as well as fellow GOP Senators Mike Crapo (Idaho), Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania), Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Rob Portman (Ohio), Lamar Alexander (Tennessee), Susan Collins (Maine), Marco Rubio (Florida), Roger Wicker (Mississippi), and John Thune (South Dakota)

For Democrats, negotiators include Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, as well as Senators Maria Cantwell (Washington), Dick Durbin (Illinois), Ron Wyden (Oregon), Ben Cardin (Maryland), Bob Menendez (New Jersey), Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire), Debbie Stabenow (Michigan) and Jack Reed (Rhode Island)


For additional information and resources for local leaders, visit NLC’s Coronavirus Response Resources page.

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