Earlier this afternoon Treasury staff shared the following information as part of the 2018 amendments that the League supported to the state’s Personal Property Tax reimbursement system. A key component of last year’s law change allows communities to seek corrections to their PPT reimbursement amounts when calculation or data errors can be documented. Corrected reimbursement amounts from discovered errors will be included within the forthcoming May 2019 PPT disbursement. The data that Treasury utilized to calculate last fall’s reimbursement payments can be found here for taxable values and millage rate comparisons.
To Whom It May Concern:
In June 2018, the Local Community Stabilization Authority Act (LCSA Act) was amended to create a process for correcting errors in the 2016 personal property tax (PPT) adjustment payments, 2017 PPT reimbursements, and 2018 PPT reimbursements.
The Department of Treasury has developed forms for municipalities to use to notify the Department of Treasury of reporting errors or calculation errors made by the Department of Treasury. In addition to the form(s), municipalities must provide substantiating documentation to support an adjustment to the reported value or the calculated reimbursement amount.
Attached is a list of the correction forms that are available on the Department of Treasury’s PPT Reimbursement Web site (www.michigan.gov/pptreimbursement).
Please direct any questions regarding the PPT reimbursement correction process to [email protected] or 517-373-2697.
Thank you.
Revenue Sharing and Grants Division – Michigan Department of Treasury
- List of PPT Reimbursement Correction Forms.pdf
Chris Hackbarth is the League’s director of state & federal affairs. He can be reached at 517-908-0304 and [email protected]