
Jessica Moy named executive director of the Michigan Infrastructure Council

Posted on October 26, 2018 by Dene Westbrook

Acting Deputy State Treasurer Anne Wohlfert today announced that Jessica Moy has been named executive director of the Michigan Infrastructure Council.

Moy will be coordinating the efforts of the MIC to bring together local utility and infrastructure owners, regional representatives, finance and policy experts and state department leaders to coordinate infrastructure-related goals and develop a long-term strategy for Michigan’s infrastructure assets.

Under state law, the MIC is tasked with constructing the statewide asset management database, facilitating the data collection strategy and producing a 30-year infrastructure investment strategy for the state of Michigan.

“Jessica’s diverse background is a great benefit to the council and its members,” Wohlfert said. “She brings more than 20 years of experience across academia, government and the private sector and provides a proven ability to apply action-oriented problem solving to one of the most critical issues facing our state.”

Moy has served as the director of the Remote Sensing & Geographic Information System Research and Outreach Services Program at Michigan State University and led the Office of Technology Partnerships within the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget. Most recently, she held executive roles in two business and information technology consulting companies.

The full press release can be seen here.

For more information on the Michigan Infrastructure Council, go to or follow the state Treasury Department on Twitter at @MITreasury.


John LaMacchia is the Assistant Director of State and Federal Affairs for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, energy and environment issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.

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