
Federal Budget: Fight the Cuts Toolkit, Take Action Now

Posted on July 20, 2017 by Dene Westbrook

The Fiscal Year 2018 budget process continued this May with the release of the administration’s full budget proposal. The proposal, which cuts more than $54 billion in funding for domestic programs that communities rely on, would have major consequences for every city and village in Michigan – regardless of size, location or economic outlook. The administration’s proposal is just the starting point. Congress is currently working to draft their budget and appropriations bills. Now is the time for leaders across this state to come together and send a unified message to Congress that we need a partner who understands the impact of continued federal investment in communities.

We are proud to be working with the National League of Cites to provide you with a Toolkit that includes the following:

The Michigan Municipal League, in partnership with the National League of Cities, is prepared to fight every step of the way — but we’re going to need your help. Use this action guide to learn how the proposed budget cuts could impact your community and how you can advocate for continued federal investments.

John LaMacchia is the Assistant Director of State and Federal Affairs for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, energy and environment issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.

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Ann Arbor MI 48105
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208 N. Capitol Ave.,
1st Floor Lansing, MI 48933
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