The Michigan Municipal League is leading a coalition of organizations in continued opposition to the campaign finance bill SB 571, which Governor Snyder signed January 6, and is now known as PA 269. As part of this opposition, the League is asking members to reach out to their state Representatives and Senators and ask them to repeal the new language in Section 57 of PA 269.
Please call your lawmakers today and go here to get their contact info. The League also has prepared an issue summary and sample resolution that your local governments can use in calling for the repeal. Go here for the summary/talking points and go here for the downloadable sample resolution. Please forward any resolutions on this issue that you adopt to [email protected] so that we can log them and share them with other members.
Read more about this bill/law and why the League so adamantly opposes it from the League’s Chris Hackbarth here. View a joint statement from the coalition calling for the repeal here.
Matt Bach is director of media relations for the Michigan Municipal League. He can be reached at [email protected] and 734-669-6317.