LANSING, Michigan – Several municipal attorneys were honored during the 2012 Michigan Association of Municipal Attorneys (MAMA) municipal law program in Lansing Oct. 20, 2012.
The recipients of the numerous awards were:
– William L. Steude Ethics and Civility in Local Government Award went to Ronald Keefe, Marquette city attorney. The Steude award his the highest honored bestowed by the Michigan Association of Municipal Attorneys and recognizes individuals for significant and tangible achievement in the field of local government ethics and civility. It’s dedicated to the memory of William L. Steude, former general counsel of the Michigan Municipal League and good friend of the Michigan Association of Municipal Attorneys.
– Distinguished Municipal Attorney awards were given to William Beach of Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone and city attorney for Rockwood and Milan; Timothy Currier of the Beier Howlett lawfirm and city attorney of Birmingham; and Debra Walling, Dearborn Corporation Counsel. The Distinguished Municipal Attorney awards honor municipal attorneys who have reached the highest level of professional accomplishment in the representation of cities or villages and contribution to other municipal attorneys through participation in service to professional organizations such as the Michigan Association of Municipal Attorneys and the International Municipal Lawyers Association.
– Academy of Municipal Attorney recognition went to Lori Grigg Bluhm, Troy City Attorney; Steven Joppich, Farmington Hills City Attorney; Catherine Mish, Grand Rapids City Attorney; Andrew Mulder, Holland City Attorney; Carol Rosati, of Johnson, Rosati, Schultz and Joppich; and Gregory Stremers, Brown City Attorney.
During the awards ceremony, MAMA President Randall Brown, attorney for the city of Portage, recognized each individual and presented them with plaques. For more information about MAMA go here. For more about the League and what we do go to Several awards and honors also will be given during the League’s 2012 Convention taking place Oct. 3-5 on Mackinac Island. For details go to
The group also had numerous education sessions during the law program including presentations by state Rep. Woodrow Stanley, D-Flint, and State Sen. Gretchen Whitmer, D-East Lansing, and League staff Samantha Harkins and Jason Mancini. Other event speakers were Abigail Elias, chief assistant city attorney for the city of Ann Arbor; Grant T. Pecor of Clark Hill PLC; Michael McGee and Jessica Wood of Miller Canfield and Roger Fraser of the Michigan Department of Treasury; Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Jane Beckering; Cooley Law School Professor Gerald Fisher; and Gregory Stremers of Tauma, Watson, Whaling, Coury, Castello & Stremers.
Academy of Municipal Attorney recipients: Gregory Stremers, Lori Grigg Bluhm; Steven Joppich; Catherine Mish; Andrew Mulder; and Carol Rosati.
Steude award winner Ronald Keefe with Distinguished Municipal Attorney award recipients Timothy Currier, Debra Walling and William Beach along with MAMA President Randall Brown.
Matt Bach is director of communications for the Michigan Municipal League. He can be reached at [email protected] and (734) 669-6317.