SB 1210, a bill to make changes to the current Brownfield program, will be taken up in the Senate Economic Development committee Wednesday morning at 10 am. The initial reason for this bill was to eliminate the sunset on the Brownfield program and this resulted in a series of workgroups to make changes to the program itself. There is a substitute being worked on but as of the time of this post, we have not received it. We are hearing the plan is to vote it out of committee tomorrow. While we are supportive of the general concept of the bill, we have heard concerns and are waiting to see the substitute draft to review all the details before weighing in.
We look forward to working with the sponsor’s office as the process moves along.
If you would like a copy of the substitute, please contact me and we will be sure to pass it along for your feedback once we receive it.
Nikki Brown is the Capital Office Coordinator for the Michigan Municipal League. She can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0305.