
Governor’s Budget Includes Moderate Increase to EVIP Funds, Includes Counties

Posted on February 9, 2012 by Dene Westbrook

View a Michigan Municipal League press release about today’s budget proposal
View a joint press release from the League and ArtServe related to the budget plan

LANSING, Michigan – This morning (Feb. 9, 2012), the Governor proposed his 2013 budget. As part of his presentation to a Joint Panel of House and Senate Appropriations Committee members, he discussed next step in the Economic Vitality Incentice Program (EVIP – formerly statutory revenue sharing).

For the next year, he is proposing an increase of $10 million to the main EVIP program, which has the three categories of qualification. This funding will go from $200 million to $210 million. As many of you will recall, of the original $200 million, $5 million was set aside for competitive grants for collaboration efforts amon local governments. The Governor proposed today a one-time increase of $20 million to that program – bringing that total to $25 million available for project fund. This means the total increase in EVIP related funds is $30 million. Counties will also be able to apply for those competitive funds this year.

In addition, the county revenue sharing program has also been switched to the EVIP program, so they will have to follow the same guidelines as cities, villages and townships who qualify for that funding.  We will have more information for League members about this Monday morning during our Budget Webinar. League members can sign up for the webinar here.

Summer Minnick is Director of State Affairs for the League. She can be recahed at 517-908-0301 or [email protected].

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