
Tag Archives: allegan

February 9, 2016

Lessons from Allegan’s Pop-up Retail

A formerly vacant downtown storefront is full of activity during PlacePOP in Allegan. Read the full report here. Pop-up retail is a fun and creative way to activate and promote underutilized storefronts. In December 2015, we had the opportunity to…
December 10, 2015

PlacePOP brings Activity to Allegan Storefonts

A formerly vacant storefront in downtown Allegan is filled with activity during Festive Fridays. Allegan is doing everything right. They have an historic downtown, a beautiful riverfront, community-wide events, and most importantly, wonderful people who all love where they live.…
April 29, 2015

PlacePlans: What have we learned so far?

We're proud to be part of Michigan's leadership in building on place, but that doesn't mean we're content to rest on our laurels or pretend we've got everything figured out.  We're still learning as we go, and updating our practice…
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