
Policy Committees Interest

Advocacy Committee Interest Form

Contact Information

Committee Participation

Committee Participation Interest

I understand that these committees are vital to the rapid response needed for legislation considered in the Legislature and Congress, and will do my best to contribute my expertise and opinions as needed. I have internet access, which will enable me to participate in the policy committee's listserv, as well as receive and respond to e-mail communications.

Members of the Legislative Policy Committees are appointed by the League President for a two-year term, with re-appointment possible.

I would like to serve on ONE of the following committees: (In case a committee is full, please rank your preference, where 1 is your first choice and 2 your second, etc. Please rank all committees listed.)
Energy & Environment
Economic Development & Land Use
Municipal Finance
Municipal Services
Transportation, Infrastructure & Technology
Note that choices will move up or down once a number is selected. To clear your selection, click the item dropdown and choose "-" or click the start over button below.
Elected Officials Academy Credits
Start Over
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