
State of Your League 2010 Report

4 | Educating Our Members

How have other communities handled this new Medical Marihuana Act? What’s the status of our roads—is any more funding coming? The League’s many educational programs and events can help you answer these questions and many more. Our Elected Officials Academy, for example, gives expanded leadership lessons to assist our elected leaders in all aspects of their role in the public’s eye. And our Capital Conference in the spring and Annual Convention in the fall will not only inform you about the issues facing your communities, but they also can connect you to peers that have “been there and done that.”

Each year our programs include:

1,400 officials
50+ programs
20 on-site trainings
7 regional meetings
6 Newly Elected Officials trainings
4 affiliate programs
1 Convention
1 Capital Conference

“As the chair of the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee, I have worked with the League on a variety of tools that work in communities of all sizes to promote development and investment statewide. I appreciate the League’s professionalism and shared commitment to revitalizing our state.”

Senator Jason Allen (R-Traverse City)

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